
visit peel farm

I took a visit to the Peel farm to share some of our awesome Oolite Bleu Cheese. I always have Dale try it to let me know what he thinks. We visited there for a while in his pasture and talked sheep but the funnest part was he was right in the middle of his lambing season. He would point out mothers who were about to give birth and he had some give birth the night before, it was so exciting to be there and though I only had my lame phone camera I took the best pictures I could. In the distance were these two little lambs; one black and one white- they played together the whole time... SO ADORABLE! Any day now I am expecting a very important phone call from my neighbor when her Icelandic ewes are ready to give birth. I will be helping and this time I will bring my good camera. And she did try and milk one ewe to see how she would react and she did great, no fussing and no kicking.
Who couldn't love a face like this!

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